Active Hydrate
(Myers Cocktail) $150
multiple bag discount, $275 for 2 and $400 for 3 bags
- Perfect for that hydrating pick me up! This popular formula is packed with vitamin C, B vitamins, Magnesium and Calcium mixed with sterile water.
Multiple patients can take advantage of multi-bag purchase at Highland location if requested
Active Boost
(Immune booster) $200
Myers Cocktail + B-complex
- Feeling a little under the weather? Active Boost has all your hydration needs and vitamins of our Hydration cocktail plus the energy boost of B-complex.
Active Heal
(Migraine/ Post-surgical) $225
Myers cocktail + B-complex + Meds: Toradol, Zofran, Decadron, Benadryl
- Heal your mind and body with the perfect mix for chronic migraines and post-surgical patients. Active Heal will bring you a hydrated and speedy recovery. If needed for migraines it is highly advised to bring a driver along for your appointment.
Cash only – not covered by insurance.