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Physiq Sculpting

The next level of body contouring that offers amazing results with no downtime


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hCG Weight Loss

Physician-assisted weight loss programs to help you meet your goals


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Ketogenic Diet

Effective high fat, low carb diet to help you achieve the weight loss you desire


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Lip Fillers

Expert aestheticians will help your lips look fuller and younger


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BOTOX® Cosmetic

Experienced providers of the most popular cosmetic injections on the market


HotButton FacialsPeels and Facials

Skilled aestheticians will help you relax and rejuvenate your skin


HotButton FacialsMicroneedling

Improve the appearance of skin’s texture, tone, wrinkles, acne scars, reduction of large pores and color


HotButton FacialsIV Hydration

Active Hydrate (Myers Cocktail), Active Boost (immune booster) and Active Heal (migraine/post-surgical) 

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